Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day Ten: The Ten Movies I Like Game

Since it is Day 10, wouldn't it be good if we play the 10 Movies game? Rules are simple, think of 10 words you like in less than 10 minutes. You needn't have to explain why. Just list 'em and no need to rank in order of what you like.

Let me start:

1. The Mission
2. The Godfather
3. The Life of Brian
4. And now for something completely different
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's
6. The Holy Grail
7. M*A*S*H
8.As good as it gets
9.The Flight of the Phoenix - original one
10. Le Grand Bleu

btw, am willing to bet that hitme64 will say: Chariots of Fire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here's mine OLG:

1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2. Star Wars IV: A New Hope (the original not the newly-refurbished one)
3. As Good As It Gets
4. Collateral
5. The Marathon Man
6. Predator (the original)
7. A Few Good Men
8. 28 Days Later
9. Commando
10. Yeah, OLG...Chariots of Fire!