Friday, June 8, 2007

Day Five: Oops where did the time go?

Got a free WoW site:

That was good since my account had no more credits in it. Can't imagine how loopy I went when I discovered it was no longer valid. So aside from pulling my hair out I scoured the 'net for a way around it and ta-dah! Gotta love the 'net.

Once I got on I just couldn't tear myself away from it. It afforded me a way to socialize and smite others while I was at it. Am so amazed with the fascination for online games. Even more so for the peeps on it. Dynamics aren't too far off from real life. Assholes are still assholes and no amount of hiding behind a monitor could conceal that. Strange since scenarios like online gaming hones your senses as to individuals. Sometimes even before they get past "hello". Or am I just imagining it? Something like cyber-instinct I would say. Yet, if that were the case what explains cyber-predators? Maybe they are like serial killers. They can work their cyber persona to appear harmless to the uninitiated? Or do the hunted unitentionally let themselves be turned into prey?

Right now I am on my alt hunting murlock eyes on a quest. Hope their radars are switched off.

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