Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day Four: I got tagged!

I got tagged by Hitme64 ( “Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about himself or herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag 6 people as well and list their names. Don’t forget to let them know they’ve been tagged!”

So I guess "taya" ako for now. Okay 6 weird things about me:

1. I am doing this.

2. Buttons on the loose make me cringe. Seriously I get goosebumps when I see a button by itself and not attached to a garment. Is it being OC? Or did I mistakenly swallow one as a child?

3. When I have a favorite article of clothing I wear it until it disintegrates.

4. I smother fruitcake with cheese whiz. yum yum.

5. I get obsessed with things so much that they become the center of my universe. And then after less than 6 months will have nothing to do with it. More often than not it is an activity. Like diving for example. I will get so into it that I will even compete with the others in class and try to get the perfect score. Be overly into it and then after its appeal dies its on to the next obsession. You should see my bodega.

6. I have red velvet trousers. (Well technically for me that isn't wierd. For others...)

I can add more to the list but only 6 were required. Also that is best discovered over time.

Now I will tag: CultureShiok, karmee, gigglewick, lovelesscynic, nVvrose_closet, jennytrinidad


Anonymous said... sure beat me in some ways than one...

1. this must be the weirdest thing i've heard somebody do...

2. i think each one of us have a little bit of OC in thy veins :D

3. now you're talking...

4. each is his own chef...

5. you should try running and see what happens...

6. red velvet trousers eh? wow, never seen one before. i guess that's why they locked you up don't you think?

fun read...appreciate the effort! :D

Anonymous said...

Hello onlineguy! Thanks for the tag. I already have a similar entry, except that instead of 6 weird things, I have 15! But I'm thinking of posting some kind of a part 2, so yes i'll come up with another 6 as a response to your tag. :)