Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day Four: Has my Apple been sour?

"Greenpeace takes notice of Apple’s use of toxic chemicals in the production of the latter’s electronic products. In so doing, Greenpeace also put up a site informing the public and encouraging Apple to change its ways. Ironically, Apple is at the forefront of cutting-edge design and innovation, but based on Greenpeace’s findings, Apple lags behind in environment-friendly practices.

Based on Greenpeace’s scorecards, Apple got lower points than rival companies, such as HP, Dell, and Nokia. As a result, Apple announced its plan to phase out harmful chemicals from its products. This helped boost the rating of Apple from a 2.7 to a 5 (out of 10). However, Greenpeace is still hoping that Apple will release more “green” products and announce a worldwide take-back and responsible re-use/recycling policy.

Though the Apple community is split with regards to how serious these accusations are, there is no denying that there is much work to be done. The question on who’s really more environment-friendly when it comes to practices and policies is a tough one to answer, but the least Apple could do is be a leader in this aspect. They’ve set high standards by coming up with products both high in quality and design. Why not take it a step further and make our planet a safer world to live in? Here’s hoping for a greener Apple and a safer tomorrow."

Apple not green enough

Source: Gizmodo

Article on the Mobile Philippines Blog by Allan David Reyes

Oops a majority of us are on Apples and may not be completely aware. Should we raise our voice? After all we have been loyal customers.

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