Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Day Three: The peeps that you meet

Just on my third day and it has been interesting to be chatting with peeps I wouldn't have met through other circumstances. Am getting added up on YM by others and somehow I find it refreshing. Not that my other friends are slags but the mere fact that I am meeting new peeps who seem supportive rather than my mates who think I should be institutionalised (One of you will actually understand why I am writing this way) just makes the world of difference.

At the moment I am keeping purposely anonymous for a reason. In fact, I have told some of you via YM that as early as now I am getting what appear to be scammers through the 'net. You wouldn't believe the tricks they pull. Some are even pretending to be looking out for you or communicate in the guise of assistance. Some may genuinely be trying to help but many have told me to be careful and sometimes I trust my gut when it comes to these things.

Also I wonder if the reason peeps like to see into your life via pics or webcam is more for voyeurism. It is something I am not too comfortable with yet. Specially since as early as now some would be shysters have come out.

However, I have not closed my door to the possibility of providing some sort of window to the outside world. Give me time to get used to the idea. This is a first for me. So please be gentle.


Anonymous said...

okay so you may be bored but hey here's a lot to read and learn still on the net...take it from me, reading blogs like yours take up most of my time so why not hie over to mine and some more on the blogroll to read on zaniness, hilarity, angst, humor, perceptiveness, amusement, incredulity (ah, yes, yours included) and whatever else takes the fancy of bloggers nowadays...

onlineguy said...

sure. would like to read your blog. could you send me your blog site?

Anonymous said...

Hee, when I'm bored online I "stumble". There is a Mozilla plugin wherein you just press "Stumble!" and it will take you to websites you wouldn't even think about. I love it, time passes by like a whoosh. If you're bored, go to that site! Or sift through the interesting images on Or watch movies online at I have lots more to suggest, maybe on the next comment! Goodluck!

Anna said...

hi! i saw your post on PEx. wish you all the luck man!!

Anonymous said...

read on

when you get bored, pore over the blogroll for more blogs to read...

and yes, to the "stumble" to relieve that ennui...

good luck