Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day Two: Dinner time!

Okay so I have around 7 lucky me supreme bulalos. Tonight I shall feast on one. Then that will bring it down to 6. Duh! Anyway sooner or later the trash heap here will pile up. Then it will be an ipis fest if I am not careful. Should time at least one delivery when the trash pile starts to get to contagion proportions. So I can pass the festering bacteria culture over to the hapless delivery dude or the equally hapless guard. It's either me or them.

At least for now it is tolerable. I don't think anyone would appreciate it if I chuck some out the window. Have to time it to when the Korean joggers down there are not in the area. Then its bomb's away. Or not? Crap, never had to think about refuse management until now. Well at least we still haven't hit critical mass. Just need to make sure it doesn't get to the stage where they have to sift through rubbish to try to locate my remains. That would be rotten.

C'mon I could lose my dinner thinking this way.

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