Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Day Three: The online mask

Ever notice how the 'net allows us a certain amount of anonymity. And that is very thing which draws others to crave to know what lies behind the online mask. I got a suggestion from someone on the PhilMug thread to get a mucha lucha mask so I can get on a webcam without compromising anonymity. Well, I still don't have a webcam as I explained and should I opt to get one I must obtain it through the conditions set. Now, if I got that webcam where would I get a mucha lucha mask without violating the stipulations of the bet?

Much of your suggestions are taken to heart. This I consider as I prioritize securing "must haves". Of course, the mucha lucha mask is on top of the list. Right next to food and the Elvis in Vegas jumpsuit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's the time difference between here and the time registered on your blog?